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Final Report To Corporate Headquarters

During my Contemporary Topics of Marketing class during my junior year at Aurora University, students got assigned to create a bicycle company and fully execute running a business. As this project came to an end, my group and I had to write a final business report to corporate headquarters. Within this report, our group spoke about the strengths, weaknesses, achievements, and many more important elements that goes with running a business. 

*To access PDF document, click on the image to the right. 

Promotional Campaign 

During my Marketing Research for Consumer Insights class, students got assigned with a random local business. For this assignment, I received Cookie Dough Bliss, a small business with ten total locations. This promotional campaign allowed me to analyze both internal and external factors that may affect overall goal of the company. Along with that, this assignment allowed me to create a goal to increase the company's sales throughout the year and specifically lay out what they need to do to achieve this goal. 

*To access the PDF document, click on the image to the right. 

Creation of a Sports Facility Paper

During my junior year at Aurora University, I took a class that surrounded sports facilities and special events. During this class I was assigned a project that allowed me to create a brand-new facility and company. During this assignment, it challenged me to think of what goes into making a successful business and looking at it from multiple different industries in the business world. This assignment allowed me to move forward in advancing my decision-making skills. 

*To access the PDF document, click on the image to the right. 

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